Can NMS only be offered on NHS prescriptions issued by GPs in England? Must the pharmacy have a consultation room to provide the NMS? These guidelines (available at /nhsidentity/) do not permit the use of the NHS logo and the descriptor line on leaflets containing information on non-NHS services or on any other pharmacy promotional or advertising materials. The NHS logo is a trademark and must only be used in line with the guidelines on its use by community pharmacies. Yes, but only if the leaflet is solely to provide information to the patient about the NMS and doesn’t contain information about non-NHS services or act as promotional or advertising material. Can we use the NHS logo and descriptor line (‘Providing NHS services’) on our patient leaflet for NMS? The form is approved by the Secretary of State and must be used, where necessary, to communicate with GPs. Can pharmacy logos, or other additions or alterations be made to the NMS Feedback Form? Distance selling pharmacies will still be required to have an ‘acceptable location’ (consultation area) on their premises. It is therefore anticipated that distance selling pharmacies will conduct the NMS by telephone or video consultation. However, this Advanced Service begins with the patient presenting a prescription for a new medicine for a long-term condition if that took place at the pharmacy, that would constitute an Essential Service, and be prohibited.
They may therefore provide Advanced Services from their premises but must ensure that when doing so they do not provide any element of Essential Services. The definition of the term pharmaceutical services in this regulation only includes the provision of Essential Services. Regulation 13(4) of the 2005 Regulations states that such pharmacies may not provide or offer to provide pharmaceutical services from their premises. Distance selling pharmacies are able to provide Advanced Services at their premises. Can a distance selling pharmacy provide the NMS? This was previously a requirement, but it is not now the case.

Is it true that pharmacists must be MUR accredited to provide the NMS ? The contractor just needs to keep a copy of the completed forms on file. Does a contractor have to send the regional NHS England and NHS Improvement team a copy of the completed pharmacist self-assessment form for all the pharmacists that will provide the NMS at the pharmacy? The completed form should be retained by the pharmacy contractor. To provide the NMS, pharmacists now only have to show they have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide the service and they are required to complete and sign the NMS self-assessment form to declare this. This change was made due to the decommissioning of the MUR service at the end of March 2021. As of 30th June 2020, changes were made to the knowledge and skills requirements for pharmacists that removed the need for a pharmacist providing the NMS to have an MUR certificate. Am I required to be MUR accredited to provide NMS? This page contains the answers to frequently asked question on the New Medicine Service (NMS)